How To Decide On a Project Methodology

There are so many methodologies being thrown at us now it can be pretty hard to decide which one is best. (Perhaps because there really is no one that stands out as the best, but we will get to that....

Good Mentorship Programs Are Simply Awesome!

Should your company have a mentorship program? I could write pages about the benefits of having one, but let’s sum it up quickly. When considering building and implementing a mentorship program...

The Secret To Customer Service…..

Training your employees to provide the highest level of customer service may seem like a daunting task. Yet, once they have learned your system and flow, there are only a few essential keys to custom...

You’re a Black Belt in What?

A few of my more mischievous clients like to tease me about being a Six Sigma Lean Black Belt. Honestly, most people have no idea what I’m even talking about when I announce that title, so for those ...

What Is Organizational Development, Anyway?

A few clients have asked what is Organizational Development and how can it fix their problems? Well it’s different for every single organization out there and yes it can fix many problems, but ...