shutterstock_207061438Instructional design, ID, applied to online learning – it is a beautiful thing. Even Bill Gates said, “the best education will come from the web” and I strongly believe that. So how do we create the “best” in online education? By outstanding instructional design, married with solid pedagogically and based in cognitive and behavioral psychology and constructivism. What does that mean? Well a whole lot goes into great ID, but here is the most basic description:

  1. Determine the needs of the learner
  2. Define the goal of the instruction
  3. Develop how the material is going to get from the “pages” into the learner.

ID is certainly a favorite area of mine as few things are more satisfying than watching learners gain knowledge and understanding from something I designed. The following are topics in the world of ID that people have asked me for clarification on so I thought I would share with all.


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