It’s Just One Little Tortoise…

Flowers for Edison

We all should aspire to be a bit more like the tortoise;

At ease in our own shell,

Taking time to contemplate,

And of course,

Having a keen appreciation for flowers.


Ever since I was a little girl I have been taken with tortoises and turtles. Large ones, small ones, in water or on land they are all wonderful. So I suppose it really is not a surprise that I would share my home with them now. What I did not expect was becoming involved in turtle rescue. But, these things happen and our home now has turts and torts everywhere, as even our vet now gives us a call to say, “I’ve got another one that needs a new home, what do you say?” Well of course I say yes.

They really are wonderful creatures and in desperate need of people who are willing to lend them a helping hand. So in the great words of Dr. Seuss, “I know up on the top you are seeing great sights, but down at the bottom we, too, should have rights.”

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