What is the Critical Chain Method?

Many clients ask about the Critical Chain Method of project management, so here is a brief overview: CCM is a schedule method that lets a team put buffers on the project to account for resource discr...

Will You Lead Change?

The largest obstacle to successful change in the workplace has been identified as ineffective change sponsorship from senior leadership. In these cases, leaders were inactive, invisible or not in agr...

ADKAR Model for Change

The ADKAR model is a simple, but effective tool for change management designed by Prosci. It stands for: A  Awareness of the need for change D  Desire to support the change K  Knowledge of how to cha...

Scrum – like in Rugby?

Scrum as in an agile framework for managing projects. It was developed by Jeff Sutherland in 1993 and can be deceptively simple when first explained, but therein lies the brilliance. It was originall...

The Change Management 101 Model

There are many methodologies you can use in change management, but one of the simplest is the Change Management 101 Model: Plan, Do, Sustain. Plan Phase – Asses needs and Develop plan In this p...

Do Your Vendors Know You Are the Boss?

Vendor management – are you in control? Managing vendors is a challenge for many business owners. You’re juggling deadlines, different agencies, freelancers, costs, risk, and projects, an...

Get Results With Your Online Learning Programs!

I’ve helped to create numerous online learning programs and believe it or not, I actually prefer online instruction to in-person, with one caveat – the creators of the training must know what t...

Onboarding, Onboarding, It’s All I Hear About!

Trying to figure out why onboarding has become so important? Whether you are hiring for the C-suite or an entry level position, a fantastic onboarding program can be your most valuable tool.  The way...